The project “Modern Border Infrastructure – a Successful Carpathian Region” “MOBI” is implemented from March 1, 2020, with the financial support of the ENI CBC Programme Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine 2014-2020.
The project is implemented by international consortium, which includes regional self-government bodies and professional institutions, namely: International Association of Regional Development Institutions “IARDI” (Ukraine), Self-Government of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg (Hungary), Košice self-governing region (Slovakia) , Maramureș County Council (Romania), Territorial Administrative Unit of Satu Mare County (Romania) and Road service in Zakarpattia oblast (Ukraine).
The aim of the project is: to create a sustainable platform for effective cross-border mobility of people and goods by improving transport and border infrastructure, strengthening cooperation between governments and professional organizations aimed at developing transport links in the border regions of Ukraine, Romania, Slovakia and Hungary. The project envisages the development of a joint Mobility Plan, which will include regional plans of each border region in the field of transport and border infrastructure, development of railway services, international air services, etc.
Expected achievements: the project plans to provide a strategic approach to sustainable and efficient development of transport and border infrastructure by developing several feasibility studies and implementing a pilot infrastructure project in Ukraine, namely 4.350 km of bicycle roads. As a result of the project, the mobility of goods and businesses will be increased, and due to economic development and improved infrastructure, the number of tourists and visitors to the border regions is expected to increase too.
Expected results:
- number of vehicles using the modernized transport and border infrastructure will be increased (number of vehicles per day);
- 4.350 km of bicycle roads will be reconstructed;
- the number of passengers using advanced transport systems will be increased by 10%;
- an innovative approach of the project will be created to connect target regions, the population of which will benefit from improved services.
The international Partnership Consortium was formed according to the competence and previous experience of each partner to ensure the achievement of the Project objectives.

Lead Beneficiary: International Association of Regional Development Institutions “IARDI” (Ukraine) has a strong partner and expert network, extensive experience in strategic planning and development of feasibility studies, basic research, development of strategic documents, including such strategically important documents as “Carpathian Euroregion Strategy 2020”, “Slovak-Ukrainian Cross-Border Cooperation Strategy 2020”.

Applicant 1. Service for restoration and development of infrastructure in Zakarpattia oblast (Ukraine) is a state organization with 36 employees-engineers of transport infrastructure, competences for reconstruction and construction of highways and bicycle roads at the regional level and with the relevant experience of previous international projects.

Applicant 2. Self-government of the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg region (Hungary) has experience in regional development and strategic planning, including in the development of transport infrastructure, project and financial management within the Carpathian Euroregion 2020 project and other international projects.

Applicant 3. Košice self-governing region (Slovakia) has 216 employees and 16 departments, including the Regional Planning Department, the Transport Department, the Tourism Department, etc. It has extensive experience in strategic planning and project management.

Applicant 4. Maramureș County Council (Romania) is a local public authority at county level. It has 199 employees and 9 departments with extensive experience in strategic planning and development of transport infrastructure.

Applicant 5. Territorial Administrative Unit of Satu Mare County (Romania) is a local public authority at county level with 217 employees and 13 departments with extensive experience in strategic planning and development of transport infrastructure.